Susanna Dörig, Switzerland
Photographer Blog

August 2023 - Kaktusblüte | Cactus flower

After many years, this is the first cactus flower from our two youngest cacti.

Mai 2022 - Silberblatt | Lunaria

April 2022 - Kirschblüte | Cherry blossom

März 2021 - Frühblüher | Early blossoms

November 2020 - First snow | Erster Schnee - Hasliberg

November 2020 - Fall | Herbst - Zugerberg

November 2020 - Silberdistel | Silver Thistle - Alpthal

September 2020 - Mushroom season | Pilzsaison

April 2020 - Orange tulip on pansie bed | Orange Tulpe im Stiefmütterchen-Beet

This is a typical sample for an image where an AI or bot recognizes only "noise"...

January 2020 - Winterwandern | Winter hiking - Alpthal/Holzegg

July 2016 - Wildbach | Brook - Oberwallis

One of my favorite motives is the play of light when water runs over stones or pebbles.

July 2012 - Regenbogen-Gras | Rainbow grass - Villars-sur-Ollon, Le Chamossaire

July 2010 - Dukatenfalter | Lycaena virgaureae - Saas Fee

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Susanna Doerig
Hoefnerstrasse 18
6314 Unteraegeri